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  • Writer's picturemarquis mccann

Input Action Event System


Input Action Event System is a Input System that pairs inputs and events together. This helps with prototyping faster by being able to switch out inputs and events quickly in the inspector.

Following features

  • Easy to add and remove Input Action Events in the inspector.

  • Switch out the input types in the inspector.

  • Quick input swapping.

  • Multiple events per input.

  • BoolData to turn off inputs outside the script.


Third Party Tools

Using Ult Events in the package to expand the Event System of the tool.

Download the Ult Event tool on the unity asset store, this tool comes pre installed with this tool.

Package Manager

Install via git url

Open Window/Package Manager, and add packages from URL...

How To Use

1. Add InputEvents Component

2. InputEvents Variables


  • Input Name: The name of the input action. EX. Jump

  • Current Input Type: The type of input via;

    • MultiTapInput

    • HoldAndPressInput

    • HoldAndWaitInput

  • Press Input: The input that has to be pressed for MultiTap. EX. A

  • Hold Input: The input that has to held for HoldAndWait and HoldAndPress. EX. D

  • Is Listening: A BoolData that has to be dragged in, used to turn on/off Input Events.

  • Max Tap Num: Number of taps before the Input Event will be executed for MultiTap. EX. 2

  • Tap Duration: Time given to execute the Max Tap Num before resetting back to 0 for MultiTap.

  • Hold Time: Time the Hold Input needs to be held down to execute Input Event for HoldAndWait.

  • Input Event: Ult Event that will be executed when the input type is executed.

3. Add and Setup Input Types

Multi Tap Input

Variables for Multi Tap Input

  • Press Input

  • Is Listening Bool Data

  • Max Tap Num

  • Tap Duration

  • Input Event

Hold And Press Input

Variables for Hold And Press Input

  • Press Input

  • Hold Input

  • Is Listening Bool Data

  • Input Event

Hold And Wait Input

Variables for Hold And Wait Input

  • Hold Input

  • Hold Time

  • Input Event

4. Using BoolData

Code Example on how to use a Bool Data

public bool UsingBoolData(TextMeshProUGUI text, BoolData boolData)
    if (text.text != "Counter: 100") 
        return false;

    return boolData.GetData();

Live Examples

MultiTap Live

HoldAndPress Live

HoldAndWait Live


Need Support or have ideas for new features for this tool contact me at


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